We know that urgent situations may occur during a guest’s stay and we understand that they can be very stressful and difficult to handle.
If you are the person on-site, we recommend that you try to solve any issue immediately and always demonstrate that you are available and ready to help. If you are not on-site, it is important that you can rely on someone to help with any issues that may arise at your property. For example, if a guest is complaining about the water boiler, you may need to give them a better explanation of how it works or it may be necessary to call a technician if it’s not working properly.
Bear in mind that if a guest has an emergency regarding cleaning, a missing amenity or issues related to health and safety (such as mold), they may be entitled to a full refund of their stay depending on the channel they made the booking through — this is why it is important to act fast and in the most amicable way to avoid any monetary loss.
If your guests have violated the house rules, such as hosting a party or having unregistered guests at the property, you may also want to consider involving the local authorities.
We also have a specialized team that works 7 days a week to provide support in case of emergency and urgent situations. Use this article to see how to contact us in an emergency situation.
Finally, we kindly ask you not to issue any refunds directly to your guests; neither cash nor bank transfer (unless previously discussed with Holidu Customer Service).